We have the right to make changes to the menu without notice

We have the right to make changes to the menu without notice

Great food at great prices, we are extremely proud of the quality of food that our restaurant delivers. Quite simply it is the best kept secret on the island.

Menus are created to appeal to the community as a whole, with items that will appeal to all members of the community that love food.

Catering available for special events. Bookings can be made in advance at: manager@waihekersa.com

Phone ahead for lunch orders or Sunday Supper: 0211436734 

Restaurant Hours

Monday – Closed
Tuesday – 12PM till 2PM, then  5PM till 8 PM
Wednesday – 12PM till 2PM, then  5PM till 8 PM
Thursday –12PM till 2PM, then  5PM till 8 PM
Friday – 12PM till 2PM, then  5PM till 8 PM
Saturday – Open 5 PM till 8PM
Sunday – Open 3 – 8pm
Bar food available at all times